Friday, June 24, 2011

Article 000009 - Management Information System Career Outlook

Management Information Systems (MIS) involves

the application of information technology to organizational and managerial needs. MIS majors learn
how to determine what information technology can contribute to an organization and how to develop and apply information technology-based business solutions.

The strength of an MIS major

lies in his/her ability to combine an understanding of business with the knowledge of information systems and technology to help organization compete more successfully or streamline current operations.

MIS professionals utilize their business-based backgrounds in working with managers and users to
specify technology needs that benefit the organization. They analyze, design, develop, codify, implement, and manage state-of-the-art telecommunications, business, web-based and other computerbased information systems. Besides maintaining traditional transaction processing systems, today’s MIS professionals are involved in exciting growth technologies, such as decision support, e-business, database development and data warehousing, development and use of client server systems, development of web-based technologies for electronic commerce and other business applications, and the design and management of telecommunications systems.

MIS graduates find challenging positions in rapidly expanding high technology fields and in business areas

that use computer-based technology. The careers as telecommunications analysts, systems analysts and designers, electronic commerce analysts, web developers, consultants, database managers/administrators, and computer programmers. Alumni have achieved great success in many St. Louis corporations and consulting firms. Several individuals have started their own computer consulting firms that are prospering in the region.

Article 000008 - Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

What is Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an integration of business management practices and modern technology. A business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) integrates internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, CRM, etc.

ERP Functions

Functions such as Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Finance, Manufacturing Warehouse Management and Logistics were all previously stand alone software applications, generally housed with their own applications, database and network, but today, they can all work under a single umbrella – the ERP architecture. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. Its purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders.

ERP System implementation

ERP systems can run on a variety of hardware and network configurations, typically employing a database as a repository for information. Deploying a comprehensive ERP system across an organization leads to performance increase, workflow synchronization, standardized information exchange formats, complete overview of the enterprise functioning, global decision optimization, speed enhancement and much more.

Fasa Technology is an independent ERP Consulting Firm. We choose and implement the right ERP software solution for your business. Our ERP implementation approach is on-time and on-budget.

Article 000007 - Identify MIS diagram 1

Identify MIS diagram 1

Logistics Information Management

As you can see , in diagram show about MIS process development of a management information system to facilitate business activity.
The seven steps of MIS phase have to implement with information and data. Making Report in the systematic.

Article 000006 - Area for Business Functions in MIS

Area for Business Functions in MIS

Hardware Solutions

The integration of the industry’s leading technology solutions. Step of research for business needs, determine the best solution, perform hard-to-find product searches, provide a firm price quotation and begin processing your order immediately.

Network Analysis

Networks come in many variations and network systems and data communications analysts analyse, design, test, and evaluate systems such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), Internet, Intranets, and other data communications systems. Our analysts perform network modeling, analysis and planning. They also may research related products and make necessary hardware and software recommendations.

Business Analysts/Systems Analysts

To analysts who enable Information technology to meet individual needs of an organization. They help an organization realize the maximum benefit from its investment in equipment, personnel, and business processes. This process may include planning and developing new IT solutions or devising ways to apply existing systems.

Software Development

Object-oriented programming languages, as well as client/server applications development, and multimedia and Internet technology. Software installation and Troubleshooting consulting.

Project Management

Balanced scorecard initiative, Business impact analysis, Change management consultancy, Function point analysis, Performance measurement consulting, Performance support systems, Project costing systems, Project management consultancy, Risk assessment and Workflow consulting.

Business and Management

Business performance measurement, Business process re-engineering services, Business re-engineering, Change management services, Human resource services provider, Project management/implementation services.

Information Management

Backup and archiving consulting, Business intelligence consulting, Data and process modelling, Data quality audits, Decision support systems, Enterprise information systems, Enterprise intelligence systems, Financial management information systems, Information modelling and Information systems planning.

Article 000005 - Institute for MIS

Education Institute Management Information System

University of Delaware

From My Experience in Bachelor Degree in SIIT MT , Thailand they divide by 3 main majors
1. Management Information System
2. Infrastructure
3. Supply Chain management
You can see in this link to look at education description.

This 3 majors have to work together in the career and Its quite interesting job.
For Delaware MIS : MIS shares responsibility for the campus Web presence providing Web design and development services to both administrative and academic clients.
They also focusing on web service same as SIU , Thailand.

Article 000004 - 3 Area for MIS concept - Management Information System

3 Area for MIS concept

MIS - Management Information System is combination from Business Concept integrate with Information Technology Concept. You have to learn and study about these two things for develop how to use IT in Business , such as Business Intelligence.

Business - IT things

You have try to learn about Technology and use those tools to solve business problem to finding the solution. For the closes Idea is about E-Commerce you have to use web site to increase the customer channel and learn how to increase the conversion rate also have to try to using analytic tool like Google Analytic this the most effective tool for business measurement.

Customer and MIS tool

Now all of business have to rely on MIS Marketing and Online process like twiter or facebook for maintain customer relationship and update your information on it. it called CRM.

Article 000003 - Management Information System Text Book

MIS-Management Technology Text Book ( Recommend )

Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (9th Edition)

This Text Book I have to study in MIS class since 2008, That time I was Study in SIIT Thailand. It was very nice text book for mananger. and for beginner. I suggest you to start to read this first for who never study about MIS before.

Text Book Description

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Managing the Digital Firm - 9th edition

Authors: Keneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon
Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 97458.
ISBN 0-13-153841-1; XXXII+641+22+14+2+21 pags.

K.C. Laudon, a professor of Information systems at Stern School of Business of the New York
University, took his BA in Economics from Stanford and his Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Jane P. Laudon, a management consultant in information systems area, took her M.A. from Harvard University and her Ph.D. from Columbia University.

BOOK Review

By Florin-Gheorghe Filip